Gagala News
(G-log #3)

Information for supporters and interested parties

Xmas dinner in good company

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Xmas024 in 8k for all


Dear supporters, patrons, live savers and friends,

My bad personal situation hasn't changed, I still have to spend most of the day in bed and I'm sure that won't change. Although I live in a different place now, I am still surrounded by too many sources of noise and unscrupulous rednecks as neighbors, especially in winter they think that global warming only happens on TV and heat with damp wood because they are too stingy to replace their heating with a modern one just to be able to fly on vacation at least twice a year. I've always been and will always be an outsider, so most people reject me because of my disability or something else. I don't know how long I can take it, time will tell and fate will decide, as it always does.

The good news is that after more than four years of histamine intolerance, I can drink coffee and tea again, eat most of the foods I had to cut out for so long, and even gain weight. There are only a few things I still can't eat without having a pretty bad side effect, like walnuts or soy lecithin (which is in most of the sweets you find in the supermarket).

The sad thing is that AI-generated images (which has nothing to do with intelligence, when a program is still too stupid to create hands with the right number of fingers or limbs, and gets confused when arms or legs are crossed, and still has problems with human anatomy) are making more and more of my supporters disappear forever. In other words, I can't live off my supporters anymore. I will have to go on welfare next year.

But still, I want to give a special thanks to one of my hardcore supporters, PhillipThe2, who has saved my butt so many times by sharing his creations with us when my health didn't allow me to work as fast as I wanted, and who has helped me so many times by correcting the text for my comix work. Thank you Phil, you are a great artist and a good friend.

I'd also like to thank those who couldn't spend anything, but posted my work in the usual places to do a little advertising for me. Thank you very much.

But you, the hard core of 300, are still here with me, and that is the most important thing, so thank you for that. gigantic bear hug, you really are awesome. Let me send you season's greetings and wish you happy holidays and a great time in peace. Always take care of yourself and others, stay healthy. After all, the best illness is no good, so better stay healthy. I wish you good luck and happiness on all your paths.

Thanks for this year, in the hope of seeing you all again next year: Happy Holidays! Mele Kalikimaka! ハッピーホリデー! Joyous Kwanzaa! Yuletide Greetings! Joyeuses fêtes! Felices Fiestas! Boas festas! зі святами! Fijne feestdagen! God ferie! Glædelig ferie! Frohe Feiertage!

With gratitude and respect, I remain

Gagala van Org

Spoiler Alert

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The "reindeer" panic, Vanessa hands out presents, Melissa holds the reins and Stacy is happy. You will see on Xmas Eve.

Until then, take care, stay healthy! Thank you for your patience and generous support!

YOU still don't support me? Please do, I'm broke.

It just wouldn't leave me alone, so I put more effort into making "Rufus and the Diving Board" sound for all sizes. It was a really confusing task and after many attempts I managed to create video files in much smaller file sizes. So I was wrong about Shotcut, it works, even with tiny bugs. A big help was the, without their help this wouldn't have been possible. The 8k version is now only 4.5 MB instead of more than 20 MB, but with a slight loss of image quality. I hope you don't mind and still like it.

This file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters, in 2k (Silver, 1080p height), 4k (Gold, 2160p) or 8k (Platinum, 4320p) size depending on the tier. A small 720p version will be used for promotional purposes.

The good news: To find out how the Shotcut software works, I added some sound to "Rufus and the Diving Board" [KiBunch003]. It's not perfect and it could be much better, but with some sound it works better than mute. Now available for my supporters here. It will not be available in the public lair because it's more of a test. The bad news is that this software didn't accept the 4k version (it cut the length to 4 seconds instead of the full 8 seconds) and doesn't show any indication that it can edit and produce 8k videos at all. In other words, I don't want to use it because I promised to make creations up to 8k in size. So there is nothing left but to look for another video suite.

Happy Summer!

- Posted in New Stuff by

The summer picture is finally finished. I'm sorry it took so long, but the fluids really took a lot of time and my health is not the best at the moment.

Thanks to PhillipThe2 for spicing up the text.

This file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters.

Thank you very much for your patience and generous support, take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Bonbon Added

- Posted in Work In Progress by

Bonbon added, now available in the Lair.

This is the bikini version of Jocelyn from the pairing of Bonnie and Joss for the annual summer picture. The work file of both girls will be delivered a little later.

This work file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters.

Thank you very much for your patience and support, take care of yourself and stay healthy!

The annual summer picture is in progress. Since there are so many protagonists again, it will probably take a while until it is finished. Starring Ann, Shego, Joss, Bonnie, Monique, Kim and the Tweebs.

Thank you very much for your patience and support, take care of yourself and stay healthy!

You might remember this pose, this is the original, made for a friend some time ago, now exclusively for my supporters, freshly reedited with new bikinis, the picture in two versions. All Beach* pictures have been reworked and uploaded to the Special Folders (KP&Co. and /Posing). I'm trying to edit and upload as many pictures as possible every day.

Thanks to all my supporters for their support and patience, with deepest gratitude.

Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

If you want to give Gagala a tip,
or support him for a longer period of time without any claims,
you have the choice:


Please and thank you!
