Gagala News
(G-log #3)

Information for supporters and interested parties

PhillipThe2 won't let us down on Halloween!

Happy Halloween! (again)

Trick or treat, smell my feet, gimme something good to... Oh my!

Well, I guess they really are passing out 'fun size' at the Possible residence. :D

Thank you, Phil, for sharing with us and for the great job you have done!

These files (2 versions) are now available in the Special Folders for supporters, in 2k (Silver, 1080p height), 4k (Gold, 2160p) or 8k (Platinum, 4320p) size depending on the tier. Click on "Images taken in the past ..." at the bottom.

Just in, don't open until the 4th of July ;) , the brand new masterpiece by PhillipThe2, starring Ann, Heather, Kim and one of the Tweebs.

Thank you Phil, you have done great again!

This file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters.

A little something for Valentine's Day.... Lust is in the air. You'll kindly note that he did not say anything about 'love'.

Thank you, Phil, for sharing with us!

Available in the new special 2K, 4K and 8K folders, passwords here.

Thanks to all my supporters for their support and patience.

Take always good care of yourself and stay healthy!

Just in: If there are more than two images on a page, it can be considered a comic, and since it's pretty hawt stuff, it's a comix. Something much too rare to get from PhillipThe2. Also a great short story to go with it, all made by PhillipThe2. Thanks a lot Phil for spoiling us like this, keep it up.

Available in the new special 2K, 4K and 8K folders, short story here, passwords here.

Thanks to all my supporters for their support and patience.

Take always good care of yourself and stay healthy!

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or support him for a longer period of time without any claims,
you have the choice:


Please and thank you!
