Gagala News
(G-log #3)

Information for supporters and interested parties

Sadira climbs onto a balcony, Kim will still be kneeling on Carpet. In the comic, both of them will be dressed for this scene.

This work file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters, in 2k (Silver, 1080p height), 4k (Gold, 2160p) or 8k (Platinum, 4320p) size depending on the tier. A small 720p version will be used for promotional purposes.

Thank you very much for your patience and generous support, take care of yourself and stay healthy!

New Shots at GAGALAND

- Posted in Gagaland by

Last Thursday the battery of my car was empty, so I was late at the supermarket and I forgot my cooler, I couldn't buy dairy or frozen food, then I went to a place I hadn't been before, but there were too many tourists and the area is too big for me to walk, I didn't get far enough. When I finally get a pedelec, I will go back. The area is called Schanze Forest Reserve and is a protected area, you are not even allowed to pick berries there, too bad that nobody controls such things. But if you choose the right path, you can still find peaceful and quiet places (except for the jet planes above). I only took a few pictures, you can see them at GAGALAND in 4k for free.

Pour les francophones

- Posted in Press by

Dans ma jeunesse, les meilleures bandes dessinées venaient de France et de Belgique. Dans les statistiques, je constate toutefois que c'est de là que viennent le moins de visiteurs sur mon site et que le soutien de ces pays est très rare. Je suis donc d'autant plus surpris lorsque quelqu'un de là-bas parle de moi sur Internet, mais cela me fait très plaisir. Peut-être que quelques soutiens supplémentaires me parviendront maintenant.

J'envoie mes meilleures salutations à tous les lecteurs francophones !

Et un grand bonjour à Tom !

For page 9, frame2, the first pictured frame, Kim and Sadira, before they get dressed. Next will be Carpet, clothes and the background..

This work file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters.

The public version will be available early September at the public Secret Lair.

Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it.

Frame 1 will only have introductory text, so you haven't missed anything. Frame 2 is in progress: Kim and Sadira are flying on Carpet to a client of Sadira's. Kim was given the special ointment before they left and now she feels something is happening.

You, dear supporters, will get this work file as soon as it's finished, before they both get clothes for the comix version.

Thank you very much for your patience and generous support, take care of yourself and stay healthy!

I received information that someone on eBay is selling "Waifu beauty custom cards" for GGP 10.00 (about US$17.38) with a work made by PhillipThe2 [Kim053g] and me [Orgy001_KP]. The logos have been removed, no one asked PhillipThe2 or me.

I want to make it clear that I am not selling anything! The reason is simple, the characters I use are copyrighted material. If I did, I'd get in big trouble with the Disney Corporation (and other companies), and it's pointless to ask for their permission because I make (mostly) NSFW stuff, they make only SFW stuff.

The reason I don't get sued is that under US law (my server is in the US) parodies are allowed as long as I don't take money for them. My work is free. My supporters want more of it and keep me alive by supporting me, what I get from them is my only income.

So this "waifu beauty custom card" is a copyright infringement against the Disney Corporation, PhillipThe2 and me.

PhillipThe2 has reported this case to eBay, I hope that eBay will react in a timely manner.

If you want a print of any of PhillipThe2's or my work, just copy the file to a USB stick and go to a local print shop, it's even cheaper depending on the size you want.

The more followers someone has, the faster they will grow.

Congratulations on 40,000 followers on X!

I wish they would all just give you a dollar a month, but I know all too well that following is not the same as supporting.

Keep up the great work, Phil! You are awesome! Sure to be 100,000 followers soon!

Two versions of Shego (made by PhillipThe2) are now available in the Special Folders for (my) supporters.

Find them quickly by clicking on "Images taken in the past..." on the first page of your Special Folders. .

While I've been battling health issues and pain, PhillipThe2 has been creating masterpiece after masterpiece. Now he is close to the 40,000 follower mark on X. As soon as he reaches this mark, you'll be noticed and this picture of Shego will be available for you.

Thank you, Phil, for your tireless efforts to delight us with your great works! Keep up the good work!

Two more versions of "Late Night Dip" from PhillipThe2.

These files are now available in the Special Folders for supporters.

Thanks Phil, you did a great job again!

Just in, Ann taking a night bath.

This work file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters.

Thank you Phil, you have done great again!

If you want to give Gagala a tip,
or support him for a longer period of time without any claims,
you have the choice:


Please and thank you!
