Gagala News
(G-log #3)

Information for supporters and interested parties

Hey, can you take a photo of me?

- Posted in Work In Progress by

This bikini version is, just like the version without, now available in the Special Folders for supporters, in 2k (Silver, 1080p height), 4k (Gold, 2160p) or 8k (Platinum, 4320p) size depending on the tier. Click on "Images taken in the past ..." at the bottom. The passwords still haven't changed! A 720p version of the bikini version is used for advertising.

I'm sorry I didn't finish page 3 of the Melissa Comix in time for the password change, but you know why.

Thank you for your patience and generous support this September. I hope to see you all in October! Take care and stay healthy! Big bear hug!

If you want to give Gagala a tip,
or support him for a longer period of time without any claims,
you have the choice:


Please and thank you!
