Gagala News
(G-log #3)

Information for supporters and interested parties

Here cums Kimmie!

- Posted in Work In Progress by

Second work file for frame 11 of page 9 for "KP's Last Mission". Just a medium close-up, because she will hardly be seen in it, hiding behind a balcony railing. Just the usual little things to do (her black shirt like some "fluids") and this frame is done. Two more frames to go, but they should be done in no time, at least I hope so.

This work file is now available in the Special Folders for supporters, in 2k (Silver, 1080p height), 4k (Gold, 2160p) or 8k (Platinum, 4320p) size depending on the tier.

Thank you very much for your patience and generous support, take care of yourself and stay healthy!

If you want to give Gagala a tip,
or support him for a longer period of time without any claims,
you have the choice:


Please and thank you!
